Age of Limbo

Age of Limbo
1 Age of Limbo

About Album

About Age of Limbo

It is a period of uncertainty. India is fighting a battle of her own. With the passing of a communally divisive bill, followed by bloody riots, the reigning government is in the midst of quelling one of the longest-standing protests in Indian history. As the world begins to shut its doors to COVID-19, India plunges into a one-month lockdown, restricting people to heavily controlled national media and equally out-of-control Whatsapp news. The truth becomes distorted and the consequences are far-reaching. With the future implications of the pandemic unclear, the world is now fighting a war from within their homes.

Release Date
May 1, 2020
Vocals, Piano
Jehangir Jehangir
Stuart DaCosta
Luke Moller
Rohan Rajadhyaksha
Upright Piano
Arnob Bal

Available Lyrics

Age of Limbo
Like a deer in the headlights
I've come under attack
Stopped in my tracks and frozen still
I'm not wasted, I'll become what I will
What I will now
Something ought to turn the tables
Something's got to give
Welcome to the Age of Limbo
Welcome to no man's paradise
Have you been watching from the sidelines?
It's not just a footnote on the news
Not even about which side you choose
I might be the flavor of the season
But tomorrow they'll come for you
Something ought to turn the tables
Something's got to give
Welcome to the Age of Limbo
Welcome to no man's paradise
Bet you've been watching from the sidelines
Welcome to the Age of Limbo
Welcome to the shifted paradigm
In the wrong place at the wrong time

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